SATYA Organic Eczema Relief – Calendula OAT BATH 250ml


Introducing the Satya Oat Bath! This luxurious oat bath with calendula flowers has been included in our Satya Gift Box for many years. Soak and float in a beautiful blend of colloidal oatmeal and calendula petals for a nourishing, soothing self-care session. Great for the whole family’s dry, sensitive and itchy skin, (and a crowd favourite for sunburns).

Depending on the size of your tub, enjoy one or two soaks per pouch.


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Using Organic Oatmeal ensures that we can keep our product Gluten-Free. It also ensures no chemicals or pesticides were used on the Avena sativa plant (oat plant).


The secret to Satya isn’t a secret at all–it’s only 5 ingredients! We use fewer ingredients to ensure our friends with sensitive skin enjoy relief without fillers and irritants. Fewer fillers also means higher concentrations of the active ingredients your skin LOVES!