Happy Classic Facial Roller – Rose/Quartz


Facial rollers were a long-guarded beauty secret in the royal courts of Imperial China. They are a centuries-old beauty tool with principles founded in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). As Happy Facial Rollers founder wrote, “My Ama, Chinese for grandmother, used it as part of her daily regimen – the only affordable luxury she had for herself while raising 9 kids! She definitely had beautiful skin.”
Happy Facial rollers help:

  1. Tone and tighten your skin
  2. Promote lymphatic drainage
  3. Improve blood circulation and skin tone
  4. Decrease puffiness and wrinkles
  5. Close and minimize pores
  6. Reduce dark undereye circles
  7. Relief of sinus congestion
  8. Ease muscle tension

Rolling helps your skin care products get a better ‘sink’ into the skin. Use it in conjunction with your creams, serums, moisturizers and/or sheet masks.

Rose quartz is known as the love stone, is composed of beneficial minerals such as silicium, magnesium, iron, sodium and oxygen. It has the natural ability to aid in the reduction of inflammation, reduce the signs of aging and support the renewal of skin cells. Rose quartz facial rollers are also said to be good for the heart and for blood circulation, giving you that healthy glow. The stone is known to carry a powerful energy that works within the heart chakra and the area related to compassion. It is also believed to balance emotions, lower stress and raise self-esteem. It was told that the Egyptian Goddess Isis used Rose Quartz stones as facial massagers beside the Nile River to prevent the wrinkles and keep her skin crystal clear.

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